Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wishful Wednesday: I wish I could eat cupcakes every single day

I'm a sucker for a good cupcake. No matter what size and no matter what flavor (within reason), I can't say no. 

My favorite cupcakes in the city are from a bakery in Lincoln Park called Sweet Mandy B's. Their cupcakes are simple when compared to all the different varieties of cupcakes that one can find these days, but they're perfect in their simplicity. They don't need bacon bits or sprinkles or crazy flavor varieties to be special. They just are. 

This past weekend, I tried out a recipe I found online that claimed to be THE Sweet Mandy B's cupcake recipe. I'm proud to report that the the icing tasted eerily similar to the real thing. The cake was a bit off, but not in a bad way, just in a way that's slightly different from the original. 

While I didn't hit the nail on the head, it was, after all, only my first try. And I have to say that I have found my go-to cupcake recipe for the next time I'm called upon to whip up a batch of buttercream goodness. Whether they taste exactly like SMB's or not. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

Where's my cupcake?