Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Etsy Roundup: Around the world

Of all of my most favorite things, travel sits atop the list.

I love the idea of incorporating this passion into my home—and Etsy provides all the essentials to do this. How can you not love every single one of these map-themed ideas? I’m thinking of picking up one of these maps and marking off cities as we visit them… A travel checklist of sorts.

I love adventure and I always like to have a trip on the calendar to look forward to. This year I plan on making it a New Year’s resolution to get out of the country. We went lots of new places last year, but many of them were in the U.S. This year I want to expand my horizons and make it abroad again.

Where will you go in 2012?


Danielle Hardy said...

Love your pics :) thank you for including our map.. ahhh. I need to travel!!

Stephanie said...

great blog! thanks for including my journal:)

HaleyKaren said...

Thanks for checking out my blog! Love your pieces. They make me want to travel!