Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me

I thought some birthday Pinspiration would be appropriate since today is mine...

When I was little my mom used to throw the best birthday parties for my sisters and me. One year she made all of my guests tutus and taught us a ballet. She made big sugar plums out of construction paper and when parents came to pick up their children we put on a ballet for them. 

I hope she doesn't mind if I copy some of her ideas someday... 

This year I'm here in Chicago for my birthday. I've never been thrilled about having a January birthday but Chicago winters bring that to a new level. I'm going to make the most of it with a dinner date tomorrow night and a get together with friends on Friday at one of my favorite bars in Chicago, Clutch. 

Because if I can't have the sugarplum ballet I will gladly take celebrating with some of the people I love most. I'm a lucky gal.

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