Two weeks since my last post and I’m back to blogging! I had originally planned to post a bit from Brazil, however, internet connection proved to be something we rarely had.
We returned on Sunday morning after nearly 24 hours of traveling and I’m not going to lie, getting back into a routine has been difficult. With Rio being 4 hours ahead I pass out almost every night at 8 pm, which is when I typically write my posts.
Difficulty adjusting aside, Brazil was an amazing adventure. It turned out to be everything we had hoped for and more. From the delicious Brazilian fare, to the white sand beaches on Ilha Grande, to the street art and culture in Santa Teresa, Rio.
Since my trip I’ve received a few email requests for suggestions and tips. As it turns out, more and more people are choosing Brazil as their vacation destination of choice and while I’m no means an expert, I do feel like I have some knowledge to share.
But that will come later—in the form of a few posts on how to see Brazil, specifically Rio, Ilha Grande and Santa Teresa—the three places we spent our vacation.
In the meantime I leave you with some of my most favorite shots from the trip. As you can see we had a fabulous time.
xoxox and Happy Valentine's Day
We celebrated Valentine's Day in Rio.
Guarana- the only excuse, in my opinion, to drink soda.
The deck at our hotel on Ilha Grande.
The Boyfriend, looking very cute in a fedora.
Mountains and sea on the way to Ilha Grande.
White sand beach after white sand beach. This one was 4km long.
Poolside at La Maison, our hotel in Rio.
Poolside at the Santa Teresa Hotel.
Our ridiculous view from one of our rooms in Rio.
A gorgeous home in Santa Teresa.
Brazilian street art.
View from the top of the sprawling city of Rio