My mom sent me a text message over the weekend asking for my Christmas wish list. I can hardly believe that this year is almost over already. It seems unbelievable. But I can't say that I'm disappointed.
Not that 2011 was a bad year- it was amazing actually- but I look forward to the holiday season all year long. It's my favorite time.
My mom's text message got me thinking not only about the things on my Christmas wish list, but about everything that I want to do between now and New Year's Eve.
And the list is long, so I better get started. As it turns out we bought a pumpkin this past weekend that we're going to carve this week.
Here are a few of the other things I'm going to do before the year is over...
Carve a pretty pumpkin
Eat lots of Halloween Candy
Discover and perfect my own signature Thanksgiving recipe
Make my Christmas wish list... and buy for everyone on mine
Find the perfect holiday party dress
Host a cookie baking party
Find the perfect Christmas tree
What's on your holiday to-do list?